
That’s not my Neighbor

That’s not my Neighbor is an ominous working simulator developed by Nacho Sama, immersing players into an alternative end-of-the-20th-century atmosphere.

About That’s not my Neighbor

That’s not my Neighbor is an ominous working simulator developed by Nacho Sama, immersing players into an alternative end-of-the-20th-century atmosphere. In this devious 2D-style game, players take on the role of a new doorman tasked with controlling the entrance of a building to weed out doppelgangers among friendly neighbors. With a major emphasis on attentiveness and memory, players must distinguish between normal humans and ominous creatures to prevent becoming the next victim of blood-thirsty supernatural entities.

How to Play That’s not my Neighbor:

As a new doorman, players must exercise extreme caution with those attempting to enter the building. Devious ghosts roam, ready to hunt thoughtless laymen, but players must prevent cruel injustices and stop the demons from executing their nefarious plans. Doppelgangers can imitate voices and appearances, but their disguises are imperfect. Players must notice differences and press the emergency button to eliminate the threat.


Memorization is crucial as players must remember all conditions for allowing someone through the control post. Instructions must be examined meticulously, as conditions may change. The game's complexity increases as ghosts become smarter each day, requiring players to keep up with their inventiveness. Identifying enemies is aided by filling in special forms for each neighbor and notifying the Department of any suspicious behavior.

Office Overview:

Players operate from a tiny office equipped with the necessary tools:

  • Security Window: Allows viewing of intruders' faces. Imperfections in appearance can indicate doppelgangers.
  • Folders: Store forms detailing information about neighbors, distributed by floors for organization.
  • Checklists: Blank forms for recording personal data, place of work, and other details about individuals.
  • Hatch: Visitors submit essential documents through a hatch under the window.
  • Buttons: Press to accept or deny entry to clients based on assessment.
  • Emergency Button: Use when certain of encountering a doppelganger to alert the Department and eliminate the threat.
  • Telephone: Communicate with the Department for additional information or questions throughout the game.

That’s not my Neighbor challenges players to navigate a world filled with supernatural dangers, requiring sharp observation, memory, and decision-making skills. As doppelgangers grow more cunning, players must adapt and utilize all available tools to survive the onslaught and protect their community from malevolent forces.

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